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A Research-Based Method To Actually Achieve Work/Life Balance with The Human Side of Money


Episode Summary

There have always been two primary factors that draw people into the profession of financial advice. The chance to help people with a crucial element of their lives and the ability to have autonomy over your time and schedule.

One of the ways that you “help” people is by developing and implementing the financial strategies that allow them to live the life they want to live with the peace of mind to know their finances are taken care of.

And, if you can do that while working 30-hour weeks, spending months at the beach and quality time at home with your family, then there’s no better job in the world.

The problem, as highlighted by a study from the Financial Planning Association, is that less than 50% of advisors say they feel in control of their time and their business. And nearly three-quarters report working more than 40 hours per week. The main culprit is trying to do “too much.”

And, by working so many hours, you’re draining yourself of the physical, mental, and emotional resources that are so crucial to mastering the human side of money. If you’re exhausted from working too many hours, how can you possibly listen to a client explain his or her struggles with money?

How can you listen and ask questions that build the level of trust that converts prospects into life-long clients if your mind is racing thinking about all the tasks still on your “To-Do” list?

And, equally important, how can you live a fulfilled life while being a great spouse and parent if your mind is drifting off to ensure that you’ve prepared everything you need to for tomorrow’s client review meeting?

As a former advisor and business owner who dealt with the challenges of time management when running a business, Travis Parry decided to go back and get his Ph.D. to help advisors and business owners conquer this challenge.

Using his research and others, he’s developed a method based on exposing the myths of time management that has allowed hundreds of advisors and business owners to actually achieve work/life balance to take your business and personal life to never-before-seen levels.

Things You’ll Learn

  • The three myths of time management to help regain more time

  • Why balance is an illusion and the definition of balance that Travis suggests instead

  • The key distinction between goals and values and how to effectively uncover each

  • How to prioritize your time according to goals and values using the Business Ideal Calendar

  • Why priorities without appropriate boundaries can be dangerous

  • What Travis’s research indicated was crucial for goal achievement and behavior change

  • How work/life balance makes you more equipped to handle the human side of advice

  • Why Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is outdated and what should actually be at the top of the pyramid

About Travis Parry, Ph.D.

After a successful career in financial advice, Travis earned several degrees in social science, including a Ph.D. in Family and Human Development to better understand the role motivation and relationships play in goal achievement. After obtaining his Ph.D., he founded the Make Time Institute and became an international best-selling author and speaker.

Other Episodes You’ll Liked Focused on Practice Management

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  • Episode 43: Pursuing Limitless Growth By Focusing On Mindset Over Methods with Stephanie Bogan


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